1. The time allocated to man has nearly ended. Mankind is living in a narrow sliver of time allowed by Grace to fulfill all outstanding prophecies especially of the outpouring of God's glory that will lead to the last global harvest of souls before the return of the Lord. (See Hab.2:14; Is.11:9; Jl.2:28-32).
2.Nigeria as a nation is in a Kairos moment (divine timing) ordained by grace to enable the
nation respond to its calling and ordination as a sheep nation that will lead
in bringing in this last harvest as the Lord's last global witness on earth
before His return in Glory. (See Matt.24:14; Matt.25:31-46; Jl.3:1-3).
3. A strategic gate of time was opened for the nation from
2014-2015 when the nation attained her second generation for the redemption of
her throne (1914-2014 = 100years). That opportunity was lost because of the
compromise and blindness of the church due mainly to denominational (division)
Christianity which fuels greed, personal ambition and Mammon.
7. The Lord has placed strength in the Middle Belt area of
Nigeria to defeat this ancient kingdom and save the nation from its grip.
9. APC as a party was hell's idea for Nigeria which came
because the Church embraced it without properly seeking the Lord. PDP on the
other hand lost her chance of being salvaged and used after her last Congress
that was governed largely by Mammon, personal ambition and greed. Heaven's
verdict afterwards was that she has not learnt from her afflictions. Those two
platforms cannot bring the transition that is in the heart of God for Nigeria.
10. Nigeria as a nation has entered her kingdom age
spiritually. That transition was made on 23/9/2017 at the Eastern gate. Because
of this, unrighteousness and idolatry will no longer flourish in the nation.
This transition should manifest in the political sphere in the restructuring of
the nation with a just constitution.
Heaven has lined up some things to ensure that this reality
a) The Electoral Process that will result in electing God's
choice for the Throne who will do righteousness and justice to all
nationalities that God sovereignly placed in our nation.
b) A military coup
that will be very bloody.
c) Occupation of the
nation by an Alien Army.
d) Uncommon natural
disasters that will bring the nation to its knees.
11. If the Remnant Church rises up in prayer and united
action, God can use the electoral process to bring about seamless transition
that will cause less pain. The Lord has prepared a Transition Platform and an
Anointed Man (a vehicle) that can lead into this transition. Thus saith the
Lord: Nigerians will do well to co-operate with Me to use the electoral process
to bring the desired rebirth otherwise the consequences will be dire, because I
am poised to fight for Nigeria.
The Logo of the
platform approved by heaven as a Transitional Platform has a horse in it that
is prepared for Battle. (See the Messenger's open vision of 30-5-18 quoted in
Part 3 of the series. See also Rev.19:11-21 for the significance of the Horse).
The anointed
Transition Vehicle was revealed to the Messenger. As a neutral servant of God,
I do not think it is prudent to mention the person revealed. However, we are
liberty to share with those who ask in good faith.
It is wisdom to pray and support the East to arise because
that is My order. (See Num.10:5, 14; Is.41:2; Ezk.43:1-4; Ezk.47:1-7;
Messenger!! Revival Altar, Lagos!!!
3-8-18. www.messengerlist.org
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